Thursday 15 October 2009

On not being pigeonholed

Went to the bank yesterday to sort out a new mortgage (ie, one based on about half our previous income). Explained I was giving up my old job and the woman asked me what I was doing instead. I chuntered on for a bit about, um, part time, er, freelance, er, consulting and after a bit she said kindly: "I'll just put homemaker, shall I?"
Was not aware that word still existed. But apparently I don't fit in any of the bank's other categories. Returned rather disconcerted to home I am now allegedly making.
When I had a fulltime job, our house was superficially tidy but unloved, with rampant disarray and/or squalor behind hastily closed cupboard doors. After a few days of my new homemaker regime, it looks like it has been burgled by rabid hyenas, with added washing-up.
The job description needs work, I feel.


  1. "burgled by rabid hyenas" - priceless. I'll remember that one next time someone asks when my place looks like.

  2. I'm thrilled to see this blog and thought I'd comment here on an earlier post as it really rings a bell for me. Up until two months ago I was a research scientist struggling to balance family life (two boys under four) with my research and work responsibilities. In the end, we weren't coping and my older son was unhappy at nursery. Now I'm at home full time and life is much calmer and the boys are thriving, but there is a core of bitterness that things couldn't work out. I wish someone had warned me 15 years ago, pre-PhD and endless low-paid research assistant jobs designed to get me to the career I wanted, that perhaps this career wasn't really compatible with motherhood.

    I'm still searching for the grace to accept all these changes, but when my occupation got changed to homemaker on a recent visit to the bank to sort out new life insurance (now that my work policy is gone), I felt like crying. Even though I know this is the right decision, I'm grieving for youthful dreams that are having to be drastically restructured.

    On the other hand, we're off to forest playgroup today being outside is infinitely better than being stuck at a desk.
